What Else Is Possible?
What would a dream life look like for you?
Purpose Spark Retreat 2025
Dream it.
It all begins with the permission to dream again. We create a space for you to inhabit your dreams by clearing out your past. Investigating where your past still conflicts with the dreams of your future is the first step in purpose spark. We use movement, introspective journaling and powerful breathwork practices to clear out your past so you can dream up the most compelling future you want to live into.
Do it.
Living your life on purpose begins with a dream and a plan, then it requires action. We set you up with a community of loving support and accountability to keep you on track towards your goals after you return home. We help you integrate the aliveness you come home with into your daily life so your dreams become your daily reality.
Design it.
A dream without a plan is simply a wish. Who would you need to be come in order to live into the dream you’ve created? Once you have your dream life formed into a conscious and clear vision, we help you create clear, actionable steps to live into this life powerfully.
“It was so freeing and I really felt like I had come out of my depression.”
Julie, Retired
“I consider myself to be a retreat connoisseur and this one was just different in the best ways.”
Eliza, Realtor
“I really appreciated being surrounded by a community that valued safety and authentic expression”
Bill, Jeweler
Our Process
Purpose Spark Process
The Purpose Spark process is an inward journey of exploration and creation. Through the experience you will be guided through a series of questions framed within the paradigms of past, present, and future.
Transformational Breathwork
Certified in the Wim Hof Method, Buteyko Breathwork and the Oxygen Advantage, Scott integrates profound breathwork experiences with practical applications so you can integrate them into your daily life.
Return to Your True Nature
Adam Elfers has been creating music to create spaces of connection for over 30 years. Each night Adam will curate song and dance circles around the fire to hardwire joy and ecstatic bliss into your nervous system.
Creating spaces to re-inhabit your body, mind and heart.
-Gregory Bogard, Purpose Spark Founder
Uncover the Magic
If you’re ready to live the dream life you never thought possible, join us for an unforgettable experience.
Participant Testimonies